Inauguration of Xavier Niwas

As the construction of the Multi purpose training Centre ar Kavre nearing completion, Fr. Daniel Villanueva’s visit coincided with the completion of the first phase which is the construction of the staff quarter. NJSI took the opportunity to have Dani to inaugurate the staff quarter which is named as “Xavier Niwas” in order to keep the memory of Xavier Network in gratitude for being the sole donor for the construction of the entire Regional Centre. Xavier Niwas was inaugurated o

n 24th, February 2020. by Reverent Father Daniel Villanueva SJ, Vice-president, Fundación Entreculturas, Spain while Fr. Arulanandam SJ, Superior of NJSI, did the official blessing of the new building. Fr.Daniel Villanueva was presented with a momento of gratitude as representative of Xavier Network for their tremendous contribution to NJSI

The team then visited the Bhagawati secondary School’s activity centre for children with special need on the same day. There was a great welcoming program by the students of Bhagawati school followed by sharing  by the students representatives from Shree Ram secondary school and Bhagawati Secondary school on benefits of the eco-clubs established by NJSI.

Handover and inauguration of Shree Robang Basic School

As continuation of the Earthquake reconstruction activities, NJSI built a two storeys -four classroom- building for Shree Robang Basic School, Benighat Rorang Rural Municipality-9, Dhading. Despite of the challenging topography and bumpy roadways, harsh climatic condition NJSI put its constant effort to give best for the project.  NJSI handed over the building to the school on 22nd February 2020 and was inaugurated by esteemed guest Father Daniel Villanueva SJ, Vice-president, Fundación Entreculturas, Spain. The program was commenced in the presence of chief of the  Benighat Rorang rural Municipality-9, Mr. Pitta Bahdur D.C. as a chief guest and Father Arulanandam SJ, Superior of NJSI, Father Roy Sebastian, Director of NJSI, Father Thomas SJ,Finance Manager along with the entire NJSI tea and Mr.Suresh Malla ward chairman of Rorang Rural Municipality-9, as special guests while the staff and parents of the students presented as audience with their children.

The students, parents and teachers are very happy and proud of this new building which stands out as the first beautiful looking concrete structure in the whole area. The expressed their heartfelt gratitude to the Xavier Network for solely supporting the construction of this building and giving quality furniture for the class rooms.


Daniel Villanueva, SJ addresses the Catholic Education Institutions in Nepal

Daniel Villanueva, SJ, Vice-president, Fundación Entreculturas, Spain, was on his first visit to Nepal to attend the Jesuit Conference of South Asia 2020 and to make his visit to NJSI. On 21st February 2020, he addressed the gathering of the Directors of Catholic Education Institutions in Nepal on the topic “Mission, collaboration and Network”. He shared his views and experience about creating new spaces for the shared mission with special examples of Fe Y Alegria movement and how Entreculturas net work with other organization for a greater Christian mission. His inputs also highlighted the challenges associated with networking while especially working with Governments of different countries. He also recommended what could be the areas of networking in the context of Nepal. There was also an interactive session where many shared their experiences and views on the networking aspect of their institutions.