After the earthquake on 3rd Nov, 2023 at Jajarkot, the initiation of Nepal Jesuit Social Institution has made significant improvements in the educational sector at Jajarkot district. Previously, right after the earthquake, in an alarming phase, NJSI had constructed 25 Temporary Learning Center (TLC), distributed furniture and education materials. This time, NJSI team stayed from 17th Nov to 4th Dec at Jajarkot to provided well-furnished furniture and REIN to 12 schools, and benefiting 2,300 students. The schools expressed immense gratitude during the handover ceremony, noting the significant difference the new furniture will made in their educational environment.
Before, the classrooms in the schools lacked essential furniture, compelling the students to sit on the floor during lessons. This not only created physical discomfort but also hindered their ability to focus and engage effectively in their studies. In other classrooms, the existing furniture were inadequate and uncomfortable. The financial contribution, from Caritas Italiana and General Curia, has been deeply appreciated by the school, students, teachers, community and even from the local Government bodies.
On 2nd Dec, Fr. Amrit Rai, the Superior of NJS, Fr. Agustus, the Executive Director of NJSI, some of the staffs of NJSI, Education Officer, teachers, principals, parents, members of school management committee were present in the handover program.
In a broader sense, providing the materials to the schools goes beyond simply gratifying the need of the schools rather it represents an improvement in the quality of education.