NJSI conducted Teacher’s Training Program from 4th to 7th January at Pyuthan. The program was organized by District Education Development Coordination Unit and coordinated by District police Pyuthan. The training program was on “Interaction with the Secondary Level Head Teachers for Education quality Improvement and Crime Prevention”. The chief District Officer, Narayan Prasad Aaryal, Distrioct Court Judge, Punaram Khanal and Deputy District Officer, Khimamanda Bhusal were present in the program. The participants, the Government authority was delighted and thankful to NJSI for conducting the training program.
There were two programs, one was on 4th and 5th and second one was on 6th and 7th. All together 60 teachers and principals participated in these 2 programs. The district police had a presentation showing the statistics of early marriages, child rape and suicides. According to the statistics most of the youths were involved in these crimes. Therefore, the police department coordinated with NJSI to provide some knowledge to the teachers in order to prevent these crimes from the youths. Teachers are the second source of knowledge or the guardian to the students after their family. Therefore, the notion of this training program is to construct virtuousness in their developing phase to prevent crimes in their early ages.
For further program, we had Principal of St. Xavier’s School, Jawalakhel, Fr. Samuel Simick introduced the Jesuit teaching practice, IPP to the teachers. Its “Ignatian Pedagogical Paradigm” which is a Critical theoretical framework to enhance teachers’ professional identity in diverse context.
Fr. Roy, Director of NJSI, gave a session on couple of topics, “awakening consciousness” and “Right to Education Right to Truth”. He focused in the attributes to become a good teacher. He highlighted the power of a teachers on students who have the ability to shape the nation’s future. NJSI team and one intern, Arshida from Marian College, India, conducted group work on “Problem Tree analysis”. Problem Tree Analysis provides a template for mapping causes and effects in order to better understand the chain of connected circumstances that led to the current situation. Similarly, the teachers come up with their problems effect and impacts according to their context. We NJSI became the medium to acquire skills on how to analyses their problem in compliance with the situations. All the teachers and principals actively participated respectively. The training program was concluded with the certificate distribution to the participants.