International Women’s Day Celebration; Jaretar, Kavre Special

International Women’s Day Celebration at Jaretar, Kavre was incorporated with the celebration of completion of tailoring training. 16 Danuwar women had completed three months long basic tailoring training. Altogether 27 women participated in the program along with their children. The program started with visual presentation of women icons of Nepal, speeches from women’s group, songs, dances, quiz session and certificate distribution. The group actively made a march around neighbourhood chanting slogans of women empowerment.

International Women’s Day celebration in all 4 places fortified the notion that abilities are not stratified based on someone’s gender. It is just social construction that have led men to be a “better” gender. NJSI will continue to dismantle such stigmas by creating opportunities for women to utilize and outshine their potential, and prove themselves.

We thank all the donors who have supported in this mission and express special thanks to Misio Achen for sponsoring International Women’s Day program themed “the Campaign for Women Empowerment” in all the places.

“In this life, no one knows how a daughter dies.

She does not have rights to live freely

Where is the so called justice when a pregnant lady is abused?

No one sees the burning soul within.

We don’t need the crooked law that harasses weaker ones

For that we will seal our mouth no more

Wind of awareness is blowing, unstoppable one

Neither will we stop until the day of our victory

No need to confuse us claiming east to be the west

Because just like torn clothes, lies don’t last

What an unjust world…

Some wear dazzling clothes while some have barely to cover up

Some have lavish meal while some can afford only a hungry stare”

Poem by a teacher of Ramechhap

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