Women get livelihood training in Sindhupalchowk

Nepal Jesuit Social Institute conducted three days Beads training in the premises of Bal Shiksha Secondary School in Sindhupalchowk from 22 to 24 October 2016.  Sixty females from different Villages of the Sindhupalchowk District participated in the training program.

The training was led by Mr. Mohammad Hasim, while the students of Social Work Department from St. Xavier’s College Kathmandu volunteered to help the trainees. Fr. S. Arulanandam SJ, District In-charge of Nepal Jesuit Social Institute coordinated the training program.

The beads making training is very beneficial to the participants as it helps them to use their leisure time in income generating activity. The training was also conducted with the view of empowering the village women by introduce them to team work and self-help groups. The improvement in the financial status of the family will eventually help them to send their children to schools instead of work at early age.